Course Outline

Advanced Diagnostic Imaging System Analysis (Phase 4)


This course is designed to provide the service professional with the skills and knowledge necessary to restore an X-ray imaging system to optimum performance after replacing the system glassware. This will include hands on installation and calibration of the X-ray tube, the image intensifier, the photo multiplier tube, the TV camera tube and CRT of the monitor. The course will conclude with a discussion of customer satisfaction skills. 







To attend this course, the service professional must have good fundamental knowledge and understanding of the principles gained through attendance at our Phase 1, Phase 2, and Phase 3 X-ray courses or equivalent field experience. 


At the conclusion of the course, participants will be able to: 

  • Use proper test procedures to determine the need for glassware replacement 
  • Select the proper glassware for application 
  • Perform proper de-installation procedures 
  • Perform proper pre-installation inspections 
  • Perform proper installation procedures 
  • Perform the calibration procedures necessary to restore the system to optimum performance 
  • Perform the necessary compliance tests 
  • Complete all necessary paperwork 
  • Apply the appropriate customer satisfaction skills for opening and closing the service call 

Tuition: $5195

Course Length: 2 Weeks

CEU's Awarded: 70 CEU’s approved by ACI


  • May 13-24, 2024
  • Nov 4-15, 2024
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Course Outline

Day 1
  • Introduction 
    • X-ray tube fundamentals 
      • Construction 
      • Electrical and mechanical requirements
      • X-ray tube failures 
      • Cables and terminations 
    • Isolating X-ray tube failures
      • Evaluating system performance 
      • Evaluating the X-ray tube 
  • Lab Activities 
    • Knobology and system familiarization 
    • Evaluate system performance 
    • Evaluate X-ray tube performance 
Day 2
  • X-ray tube selection
    • Resolution vs. focal spot size 
    • Target angle/area of coverage 
    • Instantaneous/cumulative ratings 
    • Stator/housing considerations 
  • Preinstallation 
    • Visual inspection of system 
    • Visual inspection of replacement tube 
    • Tools and test equipment 
  • Lab Activities 
    • Preinstallation checks on system 
    • Preinstallation checks on replacement tube 
    • Documentation, tools, and test equipment 
    • Removal of the old X-ray tube 
Day 3
  • Installing the new X-ray tube 
    • Mounting the new tube 
      • Overhead installation 
      • Undertable installation 
    • Pre-hookup 
      • Cables, terminations, receptacles 
      • Filament limits 
        • Maximum/peak/rms 
      • Tube protector circuitry 
    • Hookup 
      • Electrical/mechanical considerations 
        • Wavy washers
      • Verifying filament operation 
      • Verifying anode rotation/speed 
    • Rotor controllers 
      • European style 
      • American style 
    • X-ray tube seasoning 
    • Calibrating the X-ray generator 
      • kVp, mA, time 
      • AEC 
      • Fluoro considerations 
  • Lab Activities 
    • Mounting the replacement tube 
    • Pre-hookup checks and calibrations 
    • Replacement X-ray tube hookup 
    • Verify filament operation 
    • Calibrate filament limits/standby /prelight levels 
    • Check anode rotation/speed; stator voltages 
    • Calibrate the tube protector 
    • Season the tube 
    • Calibrate kV, mA and time circuits 
    • Check AEC operation 
    • Fluoro calibrations 
Day 4
  • System performance tests 
    • Lead star radiograph (resolution) 
    • Beam quality (HVL) 
    • Beam alignment (central ray) 
    • X-ray field and image receptor center alignment 
    • Light field to X-ray field 
  • Completing the installation 
    • Required forms 
    • Record keeping 
    • Closing the service call 
  • Lab Activities 
    • Beam quality (HLV) 
    • Beam alignment (central ray) 
    • X-ray field to image receptor center alignment 
    • Light field to X-ray field alignment 
    • Focal spot resolution (lead star radiograph) 
    • Complete the paperwork 
Day 5
  • Image tube (I.I.) fundamentals 
    • Construction 
    • Conversion factor (GX) 
    • Resolving capabilities 
      • High/low contrast resolution 
    • Contrast ratio 
    • Quantum detection efficiency 
  • Lab Activities 
    • Evaluate present I.I. performance 
      • Conversion factor measurement 
      • Resolution determination 
      • Contrast ratio measurement 
Day 6
  • Installing new I.I. 
    • Old I.I. removal 
    • Mounting new I.I. in housing 
    • Electrical considerations 
      • High voltage power supply 
        • Check out 
        • Replacement 
  • Lab Activities 
    • I.I. Replacement 
      • Remove present I.I.  
      • Install new I.I. 
      • Mount housing on system 
      • Focusing 
Day 7
  • Imaging system evaluation 
    • Optics system 
      • Lens 
      • Image splitting/coupling 
      • Focusing 
    • Auto brightness stabilization systems 
      • Types of controls 
        • kV 
        • mA 
        • Pulse width 
        • Isowatt 
      • Feedback controls 
        • Video 
        • PMT 
        • Solid state 
      • Stabilized input dose 
        • Quantum sink/mottle 
  • Lab Activities 
    • Replacing the PMT 
    • Align the PMT 
Day 8
  • Video systems 
    • TV camera 
      • Composite video 
      • Camera tubes construction/selection 
        • Vidicon 
        • Plumbicon 
        • Hybrids 
      • Camera tube selection 
  • Lab Activities 
    • Evaluate present camera tube performance 
      • Resolution 
      • Saturation point 
      • Video levels 
    • Removing camera tube 
    • Installing new tube 
    • Video levels 
Day 9
  • Video systems 
    • Monitors 
      • CRT evaluation 
        • Resolving capabilities 
        • Saturation point 
        • Linearity 
      • CRT removal 
      • Installation 
      • Set-up 
  • Lab Activities 
    • Evaluate present CRT 
    • Remove CRT 
    • Install new CRT 
    • Align sweeps/linearity 
Day 10
  • Customer satisfaction skills 
    • Opening the service call 
    • On call communications 
    • Closing the service call 
  • Course review 
  • Final exam 
  • Course evaluation 
  • To register for a course, fill out the information below or download our registration form.

    For information on travel expenses and hotel accommodations please see our full coverage package information.
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